Phone - Carole 021 401 951

Register for March April 2025 Mini Lectures x 2 on Poetry Appreciation



We look forward to welcoming you to the October Miniseries.  The cost is $15 per person. Please Do Not process a payment without an order number.  

Enter the number of people you are registering for in the box above and click Add To Cart, then click the CHECKOUT button.  If you are registering for more than one person, add the other registrants name in the box below your address details in the next screen before clicking REVIEW ORDER.

Payment can be made into the U3A bank account number


These bank account details, along with your order number, will appear on your confirmation of registration email that will arrive in your inbox on completion of checkout. Please check your Spam folder if the confirmation email doesn't appear in your inbox.

Due to the popularity of the mini series lectures we will be accepting registrations on a first paid basis.  

A reminder, please do not pay if you Do Not have an Order Number.

SKU: 10000-3

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